Wednesday, September 23, 2015

29 Celebrities Who Some Twitter Users Really Hate

People can be so mean sometimes.

Especially on Twitter. Especially when talking about celebrities.

Over the years, Jimmy Kimmel has convinced numerous stars from a variety of industries to appear on his talk show and read mean Tweets about themselves.

As you can see below, no celebrity has been off limits. As you can also see below, the result shave been hilarious:

1. Suck It, Dwayne Johnson?!?

Suck it dwayne johnson

Who tells Dwayne Johnson to go suck it? Who doesn’t totally love Dwayne Johnson?!?

2. The Next Caitlyn Jenner?

The next caitlyn jenner

No, Bette Midler does not really have a penis. But she’s not offended if you believe she does.

3. Sad Liam Neeson

Sad liam neeson

This Tweeter has made Liam Neeson cry. We assume Liam Neeson will now go find this person and kill him or her.

4. Jeff Bridges is a Hobo!

Jeff bridges is a hobo

And not a funny hobo, either, apparently. A really disturbing, scary hobo.

5. Wait, What About Kristen Bell’s Vagina?!?

Wait what about kristen bells vagina

We have no idea why anyone would dislike Kristen Bell, but at least this is an original insult.

6. Benedict Cumber-DISS!

Benedict cumber diss

Based on what we know to be true, and based on this person’s logic, many people apparently love to look at a cat’s anus.

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