Friday, September 25, 2015

Harry Potter And The Cursed Child Musical Will Now Be 4 Hours Long & Split Into Two Different Parts!

This is great news if you’re a Potterhead and somewhat awful news if you have a short attention span…

We were blown away when we heard that J.K. Rowling was crafting a brand-new Harry Potter story, but it was music to our ears when we found out that the new chapter was actually going to be told in the form of a musical!

Well, it’s been three months since Harry Potter and the Cursed Child was officially announced, and now the team behind the West End production dropped yet another major bomb.

As it turns out, the musical is so grand that it’s actually being cut into two 2-hour long parts that will be shown at different times!

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Kind of exactly how Deathly Hallows worked in theaters, now only done on the stage.

J.K. made the big reveal herself on Friday, saying:

What this means is that you’ll be able to see Harry Potter 8 – Part 1 on one night, then watch Part 2 some other time — or you could even make it a day at the theater and watch them back-to-back!

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The completely original musical is set to go up Summer 2016 in London before traveling the world, and you can expect tickets to go on sale later this Fall.

Are U not absolutely avada kedavra-ing over this news?!

[Image via Pottermore.]