Monday, September 28, 2015

Hotel Transylvania 2 Has A Monstrous Weekend As It Sets A New September Record At The Box Office!

This weekend Hollywood gave us all kinds of movies this weekend, but it was a family monster flick that flew the highest!

Adam Sandler‘s Hotel Transylvania 2 was number one at the box office and took in $ 47.5 million in North America alone — setting the record for a first weekend in the notoriously slow September!

But don’t feel bad for the previous record-holder — it was the original Hotel Transylvania!

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Anne Hathaway and Robert De Niro‘s The Intern ended up snagging second with $ 18.2 million — a pretty solid take for the workplace comedy!

Director Nancy Meyers‘ films — such as Something’s Gotta Give and It’s Complicated — generally target older audiences who don’t flock to the theaters for opening weekend!

The disappointment of the weekend was Everest, which pulled in a lackluster $ 13.1 million for it’s expanded release after having a somewhat promising IMAX 3D engagement last weekend. However, the film did have a stronger take overseas as it scored $ 33.8 million in its second weekend in the foreign market.

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Eli Roth‘s cannibal flick The Green Inferno was also finally released — after sitting on the shelf in legal limbo for a year — in only half the theaters with minimal, targeted advertising. The studio reportedly was only hoping for $ 4-5 million, but instead got just $ 3.5 mil — WOMP!

We guess people were more in the mood for funny monsters than scary ones!

Does Hotel Transylvania 2 get you in the Halloween mood?? Let us know what you’re most excited for in the comments (below)!