Saturday, September 26, 2015

Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting: A Romance Rewind

They seemed so young, so innocent and so in love.

But Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting filed for divorce in the early fall of 2015, ending 21 months of marriage and stunning millions of fans in the process.

We may never know for certain what went wrong, but we can at least look back on this relationship and smile over the good times they shared…

1. Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting Collage

Kaley cuoco and ryan sweeting collage

They look so happy! In so many different poses! We never saw this split coming.

2. Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting at the Emmys

Kaley cuoco and ryan sweeting at the emmys

Kaley and Ryan pose here at the Emmys. They did always look great on the red carpet.

3. Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting after the Emmys

Kaley cuoco and ryan sweeting after the emmys

And also partying AFTER red carpet events. They seemed to have a blast in each other’s company.

4. Kaley Cuoco and Ryan Sweeting Instagram Pic

Kaley cuoco and ryan sweeting instagram pic

And don’t get us started on Instagram. Has any couple ever looked so in love on social media?

5. Kaley Cuoco with Ryan Sweeting Photo

Kaley cuoco with ryan sweeting photo

We’ll always have the Internet at least. These photos aren’t going anywhere.

6. Kaley Cuoco Sweeting and Ryan Sweeting

Kaley cuoco sweeting and ryan sweeting

Kaley was so crazy about Ryan that she adopted his last name. You don’t often see this with celebrities.

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