Monday, September 14, 2015

Kristen Stewart Just Feels Sorry for Kim Davis

The topic of Kim Davis has invoked many strong feelings across both sides of the aisle.

The Kentucky clerk, who was jailed for refusing to grant gay couples a marriage license, has prompted some to passionately defend her religious freedom… and others to rail against her blatant law-breaking.

But Davis has not inspired anger or defiance from Kristen Stewart.

Instead, she has simply inspired pity.

“Did you see her come out of jail?” Stewart says in an interview with The Daily Beast, referring to the video (below) of Davis thanking God and holding the hand of Mike Huckabee after being released.

Added the actress:

“Honestly, it makes me so deeply uncomfortable. I feel really bad for her. Anyone who’s so closed off to things that are so apparent?

“Imagine what else she’s missing out on in life.”

Stewart plays a character named Nia in her latest film, which is titled Equals.

It’s an appropriate title, in Stewart’s opinion, when the topic of gay marriage is broached.

She doesn’t understand why anyone out there would be opposed to the concept of equality, especially when it comes to love and happiness.

“I feel bad for her,” Stewart says of Davis. “That fear of the unknown cripples people, breeds hate, and it’s just very sad.”

And where does Stewart stand on the topic of gay marriage? She has a simple take when the interviewer describes “denying anyone that basic human right” and how it “can drive people crazy.”

“Abso-fucking-lutely. It is crazy.”