Friday, September 18, 2015

She Almost Lost One of Her Twins. Until This Happened.

How do you save a child’s life?

It"s a deep, profound question, but in this story, the answer will amaze, inspire and humble you like nothing you"ve read in a long time.

Somehow, this mother found something within herself and saved her child’s life, and in a way that would bond her entire family forever.

The odds were long, and the outlook bleak. But they never wavered. And as a result, their baby is alive and thriving to this day.

How did we get to that point?

1. Meet Kate

Meet kate

2. Very Early Labor

Very early labor

3. Jamie Arrives, Tragically

Jamie arrives tragically

4. What Happened Next

What happened next

5. Skin to Skin, Heart to Heart

Skin to skin heart to heart

6. Then, A Miracle

Then a miracle

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