Wednesday, September 23, 2015

The Dalai Lama -- Ugly Chicks Can"t Do My Job ... And I"m Not Kidding (VIDEO)


breaking news

The Dalai Lama is doubling down on his jaw-dropping comments about a woman eventually stepping into his shoes — insisting she better be hot if she wants his gig.

TDL was talking to a BBC reporter about an interview he did years and years ago, where he said, “If a female Dalai Lama comes, their face should be very attractive.”

Check out the new video — the BBC reporter is clearly uncomfortable and thinks the Dalai’s gotta be joking, but the Buddhist spiritual leader stood his ground … and, believe it or not, probably made it worse.

The Dalai Lama frequently refers to himself as a feminist. He just has a funny way of showing it.