Thursday, January 21, 2016

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding & Pregnancy Rumors!

Earlier today, we reported on competing tabloid stories that discussed the status of a would-be wedding and pregnancy between Gwen Stefani and Blake Shelton.

OK! Magazine claimed that the “shotgun wedding” was so on while InTouch reported that Gwen had canceled the nuptials. 

When two such credible periodicals make completely different claims, minds are truly boggled.

We just learned that the two were officially dating in November, so it makes totes sense that they’d be pregnant and getting married three months later, right?

The stories prompted Twitter user @blaresgal777 to go directly to the source: Blake Shelton himself.

She asked him point blank:

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 1

And guess what? He responded!

(Side note: slow claps to the retailer who displayed these two cover stories side-by-side.)

Blake tweeted back with peals of laughter and exclamation points:

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 2

Then he responded to another story about his and Gwen’s “baby joy.”

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 3

Well, at the beginning of the year, he did say his resolution was to be on the cover of every tabloid. He’s so much better at keeping resolutions than I am.

Blake’s final tweet on the matter revealed what he really thought about tabloid readers:

Blake Shelton Tweets Response to Wedding Rumors 4

Gawsh, Blake. Don’t you realize you’re insulting, like, half your fans? Ya might wanna hold your horses there, cowboy.

Also, didja notice that he neither confirmed or denied either story? HMMMMM!

So, I guess that means…

They’re both true! Congrats, Blake and Gwen!! And, um, condolences.