Monday, January 4, 2016

Chris Brown Accuser Speaks Out, Sticks By Her Story

The woman who has accused Chris Brown of battery is now speaking out online.

As previously reported, Liziane Gutierrez claims she was a guest at a party inside Brown"s Las Vegas suite late last week.

As her story goes, Gutierrez managed to get her cellphone past the singer"s security team and, at one point, snapped a picture of the artist.

Brown supposedly reacted in extreme anger, screaming at Gutierrez and, according to the alleged victim, punching her one time in the right eye.

She did not go to the hospital, but she did file a police report and authorities are investigating the incident.

Gutierrez, however, has a history of reacting poorly when she feels she"s been mistreated by a celebrity.

Last year, after being denied access to a party hosted by Jason Derulo, she went up to a TMZ photographer and went off on that famous singer.

This time around, of course, Gutierrez swears she is telling the truth.

But Brown says he is going to sue her for defamation, standing up strongly against this latest accusation of violence against him.

In response to Brown"s response, Gutierrez recorded the following video and shared it on her Facebook page.

It brings up Brown"s abusive past; it emphasizes that Gutierrez was invited to Brown"s Vegas party by friends; and it takes issue with Brown"s assertion that Gutierrez is ugly.

Watch now and try to decide if you believe Brown or his accuser:

Liziane gutierrez fires back at chris brown