Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Dakota Meyer Seeks Joint Custody of Bristol Palin"s Baby

Dakota Meyer has confirmed what the world already suspected:

He is the father of Bristol Palin’s second baby.

But that’s not all.

According to new legal documents, Meyer wants to be the involved father of Bristol Palin’s second baby.

TMZ has obtained documents filed in court by Meyer in which he claims he’s the biological father of three-week-old Sailor Grace; and in which he also asks a judge to award him joint legal and physical custody of the child.

Meyer is also seeking child support from Bristol.

Palin announced that she was pregnant back in June, just a few weeks after calling off her wedding to Meyer and her relationship with the service member.

She has never discussed the identity of her daughter’s father.

“I know this has been, and will be, a huge disappointment to my family, to my close friends, and to many of you,” Bristol wrote last summer in regard to her having another child out of wedlock.

She is also mom to seven-year-old Tripp, whom she conceived with ex-fiance Levi Johnston.

Palin gave birth to little Sailor on December 23, 2015 and, according to multiple sources, does not plan on including Meyer in the child’s life.

In a new interview with Entertainment Tonight, here is what Sarah Palin had to say about Meyer’s custody filing:

“For many months we have been trying to reach out to Dakota Meyer and he has wanted nothing to do with either Bristol’s pregnancy or the baby.”

Added the former Vice Presidential candidate:

“Paramount to the entire Palin family is the health and welfare of Sailor Grace.”

She concluded that Meyer is just trying to “save face” with this legal maneuver.