Thursday, January 21, 2016

Donald Trump Blames Obama For Arrest of Sarah Palin"s Son! Watch!

The past 72 hours have been so hectic and confusing for Sarah Palin that she"s probably longing to return to her home in Wasilla so she can bust out the binoculars and watch Putin"s pecs glisten as he chops wood in Siberia.

First, the former Alaska governor endorsed Donald Trump"s presidential campaign, a development that – if we know our Bible (which we don"t) – should be followed by frogs raining from the sky and the water in Flint, Michigan turning a lovely shade of O-negative red.

Just hours before Palin made her endorsement official at a rally in Iowa, the media received word that her 26-year-old son, Track Palin, had been arrested for domestic violence.

Obviously, the timing couldn"t have been worse, but in one of the ballsiest political maneuvers since Andrew Jackson beat all his detractors to death and feasted on their innards, Palin went before a crowd in Oklahoma and blamed President Obama for her son"s decision to get drunk and assault his girlfriend.

It"s the kind of idiocy we expect from Palin, but we were mistakenly under the impression that Trump was marginally more intelligent than his new puppet.

Apparently we were wrong, as Trump appeared on CNN last night and gave the following response when asked if Palin was right to accuse Obama of being complicit in her son"s drunken attack:

"Oh, I think so. Look, everything starts at the top. He"s the president. And I think you can certainly do that.

"And all you have to do is look at the Veterans Administration, and look at the bad, the horrible care our vets get. One of the many things I"m going to do is I"m going to straighten that mess out."

Yes, it looks like the floodgates are open and you can now officially blame Barack Hussein Obama for everything bad that"s ever happened in your life.

Messed up at work? Obama"s fault.

Drank too much last night? Definitely Obama"s fault.

Living in a country in which a human throbbing forehead vein in a golden retriever toupee somehow has a real shot at becoming president? Actually…you might have to blame ya boy The Donald for that one.

Check him out at his most Donald-y in the clip below:


Donald trump blames obama for arrest of sarah palins son watch