Thursday, January 21, 2016

Iggy Azalea: It"s My Label"s Fault My Career Sucks!

Remember Iggy Azalea?

She reached “Ice, Ice Baby” levels of success in the summer of 2014, only to hit “everything else Vanilla Ice has ever done” lows in the months since. 

It’s hard to believe now, but there was a time when Iggy was thought by many to be the future of hip hop.

Now, she’s basically seen as an industry-wide punchline/cautionary tale, making headlines only when she feuds with a superior rapper or cancels her first nationwide tour due to lack of interest.

Of course, the 25-year-old Aussie blames just about everyone but herself for her status as a one-hit wonder.

In the past, Iggy has said she’s a victim of racism, and even pointed the finger at Britney Spears for sabotaging a single they recorded together.

Obviously, no one bought any of it, so now, Iggy is resorting to a buck-passing tactic that’s been a favorite of failed artists for decades.

Yes, she’s breaking out the old “It’s my label’s fault!” excuse.

Iggy took to Twitter last night to launch a rant against her label Virgin/EMI for failing to help her promote her upcoming album, the very 90s-ish named, Digital Distortion:

“Bad news update:” Iggy tweeted. “My record label Virgin/EMI seems to feel the response to my viral record “zillon” wasnt good enough & im not allowed a video.”

“I felt like it was dope so, whatever. [Label president] Ted Cockle doesnt wanna see me shine. what can i say.

“If all else fails ill just drive around LA and play my new album really loudly every monday from 4-6pm hahaha.”

Yes, publicly slam the people who put you on the map, Iggy. What can go wrong? Excuse us while we pop some popcorn and get comfortable.