Monday, January 25, 2016

Josh Duggar to Settle $500,000 Danica Dillon Lawsuit?!

Over the past few weeks, new information about Danica Dillon’s lawsuit against Josh Duggar has gone public and caused further damage to the former reality star’s already-battered reputation.

Earlier this month, lawyers for Duggar petitioned the court to make Dillon prove that her encounter with Josh took place as she claimed – a move they’re probably now regretting. 

Over the weekend, Dillon provided disturbing new details about her encounter with Duggar, and sources close to Josh say he’s coming to terms with the fact that if he continues to fight, he may end up doing further damage to his family’s public image, as well as losing the case.

According to Radar Online, a settlement conference has been scheduled for March 25, at which time, attorneys for Josh and Danica will attempt to reach an agreement.

The way things are going, it’s unlikely that Dillon will be doing much in the way of compromising, as Josh is very clearly in a bad position.

Duggar has previously stated that he would never settle, and the only thing that would prevent him from going to trial would be if Dillon retracted her accusations and publicly apologized.

Obviously, that will never happen, but we get the feeling that Josh won’t be so gung-ho about sticking to his demands now that the case is causing even more once-loyal Duggar fans to turn their backs on him.