Thursday, January 7, 2016

Julianne Hough: I Suck at Phone Sex!

Julianne Hough is good at many things.

Dancing. Being beautiful. Showing off her huge engagement ring.

But there’s at least one thing at which the blonde bombshell does NOT excel:

Talking in a dirty manner over the phone.

It’s not really clear how the topic was broached during her cover story for the latest Cosmopolitan, but Hough admits to the magazine that she is awful at phone sex with Brooks Laich.

She tries to go through with it. But she often fails.

“Oh, for sure,” Hough said simply when asked if the engaged couple partakes in over-the-phone pleasure.

“But I’m really bad at it…I’ll get halfway through and start laughing.”

This may be because phone sex is sort of awkward. And it may also be because Julianne Hough has never had actual sex.

Yup. She’s saving herself for marriage.

Did we mention yet just how lucky Brooks Laich is?!?

“It’s an art,” Hough adds of phone sex. “I applaud people who are good at it. They need to come and help me keep a straight face!”

Did Julianne Hough just invite us over to give her phone sex tips? Yes? Excuse us. We’ll be right back…

Hough, meanwhile, is now happily engaged to Laitch. But she had to go through a very public breakup with Ryan Seacrest in March 2013 before meeting the man of her dreams.

“I definitely hated that everyone had an opinion about what I was going through,” she says of that split.

“At the time, I was constantly running and touring, which sometimes looked like I was totally fine and couldn’t care less, which wasn’t the truth. But it was my form of being able to deal.”