Thursday, January 7, 2016

Kourtney Kardashian Gets Her "Swagger Back" After Bieber Breakup!

As you’ve probably heard, Kourtney Kardashian closed out 2015 (and baffled her friends, family, and fans) by hooking up with Justin Bieber

Even though Kourtney’s fondness for d-bags is well-documented, it was a bizarre move that blew up in her face when Justin was photographed kissing Hailey Baldwin on New Year’s Eve. But it looks like Kourt won’t let that embarrassment dampen her 2016 swag:

The photo on the right is a screenshot of a conversation with Khloe Kardashian that Kourtney posted to her Instagram page today.

Apparently it serves as both an advertisement for Kimoji – the line of Kim kardashian-themed Emojis that hopefully won’t be a thing for very long – and a press release announcing to the world that Kourtney’s got her swagger back, and she’s ready to move on to the next self-obsessed pretty boy with a short fuse and a Blue Steel gaze.

We kid, of course. After the year she’s had, if Kourtney’s feeling herself, then we hope she keeps right on swaggin’.

Besides, if her split from Scott Disick is any indication, breakup Kourtney is the best Kourtney.

Here’s hoping we’re about to receive another round of Kourtney’s “revenge body” photos just like the ones she posted she finally dumped the Douche Lord.