Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Lindsay Lohan: Topless, Covered in Mud on Instagram

If you’re anything like us, you’ve been so busy breaking your New Year’s resolutions and coming up with excuses for breaking your New Year’s resolutions that you forgot to make time for the really important things in life.

So without further ado, we bring you the first topless Lindsay Lohan pic of 2016:

You may have noticed that there’s something a little different about Lindsay this time around.

Yes, not a single freckle is visible, and no, it’s not because of another epic Lindsay Lohan photoshop fail.

For the first time, there’s a perfectly good reason that Lindsay looks like a Lord of the Rings villain who’s giving you sexy eyes:

The girl literally just climbed out of a volcano!

Okay, when we say “volcano” we mean an expensive spa where you pay a ridiculous amount of money for people who regret their life choices to slather you in volcanic mud, but that’s almost as badass, right?

Anyway, it’s an encouraging sign for the year to come.

Not only is Lindsay looking healthier than she has in years (probably because her blinding pallor is obscured by the mud), but she’s no longer rocking that fake engagement ring that had us seriously worried about her sanity for a while. 

Of course, we’re guessing she still calls it her “precious” and whispers to it late at night.