Tuesday, January 26, 2016

Nick Jonas: I"ve Done a Lot of Drugs & Had a LOT of Sex!

Have you heard? Nick Jonas is all grown up.

We’re telling you this as a favor to Nick, because the dude has basically devoted the last three years of his life to letting the world know that his Disney boy band days are behind him.

If Nick hooking up with Kate Hudson didn’t convince he’s an adult who totally does sex on the reg, some comments he made in a recent interview should do the job.

Apparently, NiJo plays an aggressive frat douche in an indie film currently in competition at Sundance. 

It’s the role he’s been studying for his whole life, bro! And he’s totally, unintentionally hilarious when he talkls about it:

“I think that growth is super important in any creative platform and in life in general, and in the TV show I’m doing a lot of drugs and I’m having a lot of sex, so it wasn’t foreign to me,” Nick told a reporter, presumably with a straight face.

“And I’ve had sex and drank a lot [in real life], so there are parts of this film that are perfectly real in some sense.

“It’s the responsibility of any artist to say, ‘This is what I’m connected to, this is what inspires me, and hopefully you can ask the same questions I’ve asked of myself.’”

So there you have it. Nick doesn’t just have Kate Hudson posting photos of her ass for him, he also drinks the alcohol and stays up til midnight. 

We bet if you have a problem with that, he’s got some sassy response all ready to go.