Wednesday, January 13, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 11 Recap: Five Years Later...

The more things change, the more they stay the same, huh?

We may have leaped ahead five years on Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 11, but that doesn’t mean the show’s main quintet was free from scandal.

Or from murder.

The 2016 premiere found Alison calling the Liars back to Rosewood in order to help determine whether Charlotte ought to be released from jail.

Alison wanted her friends to support Charlotte’s freedom.

But while Spencer, Emily, Hanna and even Mona all told the court what Ali wanted to hear, Aria simply could not do so.  She admitted to the judge that that she’s still petrified.

Not that it mattered. The judge ruled that Charlotte had served her time and was not a free woman.

So… she’ll be hunting and haunting the Pretty Little Liars again, right?

Nope, wrong: Charlotte’s body later turned up dead outside the church! And police ruled she was a murder victim! And there’s your new mystery that will take us to Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 12 and beyond!

Did Sara Harvey do it? She looked suspicious at the funeral? Did Aria do it?!?!?

As for where the Liars are after five years? As for the state of their personal lives?

Ezra is a mess, unable to come to terms with Nicole having been dragged away by revolutionaries during an attack in South Africa.

Toby has been building a home from scratch.

Caleb has taken up up residence in the Hastings barn (and may have something going on with Spencer?!?).

Aria is dating some guy named Liam.

Emily is living in Malibu and appears to be popping pills… and her dad died in the Army.

Mrs. Hastings is running for Senate.

Hanna is a fashion assistant living in New York.

Spencer is a lobbyist living in D.C.

Which of these developments was most surprising? Are you excited about the new mystery?

Could Aria really be the culprit?

Hurry up and go watch Pretty Little Liars online if you missed anything so we can talk all about it!