Friday, January 22, 2016

Rob Kardashian: Family Holds Intervention For Troubled Reality Star

It’s been almost a month since Rob Kardashian was diagnosed with diabetes, and by all accounts, the troubled 28-year-old has shown little interest in abandoning the habits that cost him his health.

Rob has refused rehab and is reportedly engaging in the same behavior that landed him in the hospital over the holidays.

Sources say Kris Jenner has bribed Rob in hopes of getting him to seek help, but as he already has everything he wants, the offer held little appeal.

The Kardashians are said to be out of their minds with worry for Rob, and Radar Online is reporting that they recently held an intervention for the reclusive former reality star.

As with everything else they do, the Kards decided to film the encounter – which may be why it failed miserably.

“Kim thought if the intervention was filmed, Rob would be more responsive to it,” says one insider.

“There was a therapist to guide the family. This was coming from a place of love. Initially Kris was hesitant, but was desperate to do anything.”

Not surprisingly, Rob – who has refused to participate in recent seasons of Keeping Up With the Kardashians – wanted nothing to  with the intervention:

“As soon as Rob walked in Kris’ house, he realized what was about to go down and just walked right out the front door,” says the source.

“He just got in his car and drove away. He refused to pick-up his phone for several days, and nobody knew where he was.”

Fortunately, for the sake of Rob’s dignity, the awkward interaction will never be televised:

“Khloe will make sure the footage of the failed intervention won’t air,” says the source.

Sounds like the Kardashians are finally coming around to the idea that not all drama is fit for TV.