Thursday, February 25, 2016

Arrow Season 4 Episode 15 Recap: Is It Over for Olicity?

The secret is out.

But is the engagement over?

On Arrow Season 4 Episode 15, Damien Darhk confronted Oliver after the mayoral debate (and after Felicity’s first biostimulant microchip therapy session) to show him a cellphone phone photo of his son, William.

The young man is doing just fine… except for the whole part about being kidnapped.

This obviously prompted Felicity to inquire about the boy’s identity, prompting Oliver to finally reveal his big secret.

He explained the ultimatum that William’s mother, Samantha, made Oliver swear to, though it wasn’t enough to prevent Felicity from reacting to the news in shock and pain.

Still, there was a child to rescue. That’s where the focus had to be.

Oliver enlisted the helped of Vixen to free Williams from Darhk’s clutches, with the team eventually using the “key lines” running through Star City to learn the whereabouts of Darhk’s compound in Sky Woods.

The mission was a success…William was freed…  Oliver recorded a video for him to watch on his 18th birthday that explained why he chose to stay far away from his son (so that the child could leave a normal, safe life)… and all was well, right?


Felicity then had to have her say.

Yes, she had confirmed the ultimatum handed down by Samantha. But, no, that didn’t make Oliver’s secret-keeping okay.

For one thing, on the Arrow Season 3 finale, they had agreed to always be honest with each other.

For another, even with this choice to send William away, Oliver never discussed the situation with Felicity. You know, his fiancee.

“Once again, you have left me out of the decision,” she said, dropping the engagement ring on the table in front of Oliver.

And then, as you’ll see when you watch Arrow online, the microchip started to kick in.

Within seconds, Felicity had risen to her feet, stood up… and walked away from Oliver.