Thursday, February 18, 2016

Bill Cosby Sues Sexual Assault Accuser Andrea Constand

After months of public scandal and dozens of damning accusations, Bill Cosby is finally facing criminal charges following a Philadelphia DA’s investigation into testimony that Cosby delivered during a 2005 civil suit.

During the trial – in which the television icon was being sued by alleged victim Andrea Constand – Cosby admitted to drugging women with the intention of raping them, but stopped just short of confessing to sexual assault.

According to The Hollywood Reporter, Cosby has secretively filed a lawsuit against Constand, the exact details of which are not yet publicly available.

Most likely, the suit alleges that Constand somehow violated the terms of her decade-old settlement agreement with Cosby, for which she received an undisclosed sum.

The 78-year-old has avoided prosecution in connection with scores of other accusations, but Cosby was arrested on the basis of Constand’s claims after the case was re-opened and charges were filed just days before the statute of limitations expired. 

Now, attorneys for Cosby are likely trying to prove that the DA who went ahead with the investigation had no right to do so under the terms of his original settlement agreement with Constand.

It’s already been determined that Cosby’s criminal case will go to trial, after a judge dismissed his lawyer’s motion to dismiss.