Tuesday, February 9, 2016

Danica Dillon: Paid By TLC to Drop Charges Against Josh Duggar?

Last week, after months of legal wrangling and tabloid drama, Danica Dillon unexpectedly dropped her lawsuit against disgraced former reality star Josh Duggar.

Dillon claimed that Duggar assaulted her during a paid sexual encounter, and she seemed intent on not only making him pay, but also proving to the world that she was telling the truth.

Now, fans are speculating as to what may have prompted Dillon’s sudden change of heart.

Naturally, there have been rumors that Dillon was paid to drop her case, particularly after she tweeted that she stands by her claims and hinted that she had no choice but to walk away for the sake of her family.

We know that Josh hasn’t worked in almost a year, and his parents reportedly refused to help him buy his way our of his latest scandal, so it’s unlikely that he came up with the cash to pay Dillon off himself.

At one point, it was rumored that Josh was selling his family’s house in order to cover his legal fees and settle out of court with Dillon, but as the former adult film star was seeking more than $ 500,000 in damages, it’s likely he still would’ve come up short.

After all, Dillon demonstrated that she was confident she would win if the case went to trial, and she claimed that she was primarily interested in forcing Josh to answer for his crimes under oath, so getting her to drop the case probably would’ve meant ponying up more than a half a million.

Josh probably didn’t have the cash, and we know his parents were unwilling to help, so who could’ve – and would’ve – paid Danica off?

Well, as much money as the Duggars made from their time on television, the folks at TLC made even more, and the timing of Danica’s lawsuit couldn’t have been worse for the network.

It’s been reported that the Duggars are currently filming the first episode of their new series, and it’ll be tough for the show to find an audience if the family’s scandalous year is still fresh in the mind of potential viewers.

So it’s not hard to see why many fans believe TLC cut Ms. Dillon a massive check in order to drop her civil suit against Josh.

Thus far there’s no proof (and Dillon almost certainly would’ve been forced to sign a non-disclosure agreement), but it’s worth noting that network execs have yet to come forward and deny the rumor.