Thursday, February 18, 2016

Duggar Family: Are Neighbors Outraged That They"re Filming Again?

For weeks now, we’ve been hearing rumors that the Duggar family is filming scenes for their return to the world of reality television.

There’s been no official announcement from the family or from the TLC network, but various Duggars have been spotted filming in and around their hometown of Tontitown, Arkansas – and apparently their neighbors are not happy about it.

For all the inconveniences of welcoming camera crews into their homes, businesses, and places of worship, the residents of Tontitown once did so with open arms, such was their love for the Duggar family.

Now, in the wake of the Josh Duggar sex scandals and other controversies that have shaken the nation’s faith in the once-beloved 19 Kids and Counting clan, the presence of a TLC production team is just another reminder that the Duggars are doing their best to sweep the past year under the rug.

“There is a lot of hate regarding the family. After all that has happened, this isn’t the same family in many people’s eyes,” one local tells Entertainment Tonight.

Asked if he has any idea what the revamped series will focus on, the anonymous Tontitown resident snidely responded, “I’m sure there will be more girls courting soon.”

Indeed, early rumors indicate that the series will concentrate on some of Michelle and Jim Bob’s adult single children.

18-year-old Joy-Anna Duggar has been spotted filming scenes on her own, and production sources have indicated that the show will concentrate on Jana Duggar’s struggles as a single woman from a fundamentalist background will provide several storylines.

The Duggars no doubt see this as further documentation of their family’s unique circumstances. 

For residents of Tontitown, however, it’s likely viewed as more exploitation from a family that’s not to be trusted.