Wednesday, February 10, 2016

Kanye West Thinks Bill Cosby is INNOCENT

Well, this is one way to get attention for your new album…

Two days before his latest record comes out, Kanye West stirred up a whole bunch of controversy on Tuesday evening by Tweeting just a few simple words:

“BILL COSBY INNOCENT !!!!!!!!!!” the rapper wrote on social media.

The husband of Kim Kardashian didn’t elaborate or follow up in anyway, instead proceeding to write Tweets about LeBron James’ new sneaker and the booth in his recording studio.

West, of course, is referring to the legendary comedian’s ongoing scandal in which Cosby is accused of sexual assaulting over 50 fifth women. 

Cosby was arrested in late December, with most stars applauding the action.

Heck, Kanye himself rapped in the new track “Facts” about Cosby, sounding a very different tone than he did in this most recent Tweet.

“Do anybody feel bad for Bill Cosby? Did he forget names just like Steve Harvey?” Kanye asked.

The artist, of course, is no stranger to controversy or to speaking whatever is on his mind.

But this viewpoint was immediately meant by a harsh rebuke by followers on social media. Including some famous ones.

“Kanye!! You can’t be for real. FIFTY WOMEN. With nothing to gain thanks to a statute of limitations ON RAPE. Oy,” Sarah Silverman Tweeted.

Comedian Billy Eichner agreed, though he took a more humorous route: “Are we sure Kanye isn’t just a character from Zoolander?

And Scandal star Josh Malina also jumped in, writing online: “KANYE WEST DELUDED !!!!!!!!!!”

What do YOU think of Kanye’s stance and of the Cosby case in general?

Is he guilty? Or is he REALLY guilty?