Monday, February 15, 2016

Kate Middleton: Announcing Third Pregnancy This WEEK???

Forget taking out an ad to make an announcement.  She’s taking over the entire operation!

Or so some think.

On February 17th, the Duchess of Cambridge will serve as guest editor of Huffington Post UK to highlight children’s mental health issues.

“The Duchess of Cambridge has made the mental health of young children a key focus of her work in recent years,” Kensington Palace stated in a press release.

“She is delighted that The Huffington Post will help put a spotlight on this important issue.”

Select members of the Huff PO UK team will work alongside Catherine at the palace, as she commissions “contributions from a number of leading figures in the mental health sector as well as from young people, parents, and teachers.”

Celebrity Dirty Laundry believes that Catherine will use her platform that day to announce baby (or babies) #3.

“Royal watchers are wondering whether or not the Duchess of Cambridge will also let the world know a third Royal baby is on the way,” the site speculates.

“Will Duchess Kate break with tradition and share the good news during the Huff Post U.K. guest editor gig? Formal pregnancy and birth announcements usually come from Buckingham Palace. But Princess Kate has never been one to follow Royal protocol.”

My theory is that Catherine would not want to take away from the point of her temporary position by making it all about her pregnancy.  

Mental wellness is a cause close to her heart, as she is patron of The Art Room and Place2Be, two charities that use creative therapy to help children deal with personal problems.

Making such an announcement would be a little tasteless and out of character for Her Royal Highness.