Monday, February 15, 2016

Teresa Giudice: Trying to Get Pregnant Before Joe Goes to Jail?!

Last week, it was widely reported that Teresa Giudice is pregnant with her fifth child.

Now, it seems the tabloid media may have jumped the gun – but not by much.

Sources tell In Touch that Teresa is indeed trying to get pregnant before Joe begins his 41-month prison sentence next month.

“They are definitely trying to have a baby,” a source close to the situation tells the magazine.

And in case you weren’t clear on how that works and/or just wanted to picture Juicy Joe sweating and thrusting, the source is happy to paint a picture:

“She and Joe have been intimate since she got out of prison in December,” the insider reveals.

“She really seems to be glowing right now. She looks like she could be pregnant already,” says a different source.

Teresa’s former cellmate confirms that the reality star talked about her desire for a fifth child while she was still behind bars:

“She talked about it when we would all pass around baby photos,” says Deseree Bradshaw.

Of course, for Teresa, having another baby is about more than just continuing to pass on her genes for the world’s lowest hairline.

“Teresa knows a baby would be ratings gold, especially with her as a single mother with Joe in jail,” says one insider. “And it would be a dream for Bravo, too. Everybody wins.”

And there’s still the possibility that Joe will be deported after he’s through with his sentence, which is apparently part of why he’s eager to donate his sperm.

“He believes that if Teresa has a baby, there’s a better chance she would follow him to Italy,” says a source.

Yes, it certainly sounds like a win-win for everyone involved – except for the kid, who doesn’t even exist yet, and is already being used as a pawn by his parents.

Hey, at least he’ll get to be on TV!