Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Kim Kardashian: Terrified to Give Birth!!!


Kim Kardashian has a safe delivery on December 5, giving birth to a son named Saint West

We know this now, of course.

But Kim didn"t know it back when she was filming the Keeping Up with the Kardashians Season 11 finale, which airs this Sunday and which features Kim"s water breaking.

“I can’t even begin to explain the anxiety that you have when you just don’t know when you’re gonna go to into labor," she says below, not long before the blessed event begins.

"They always say your second baby comes quicker, so I just hope I make it there in time… The unknown just scares me.”

In order to prepare herself, Kardashian will actually do a practice hospital run from her mother"s home to the hospital, with close friend Jonathan Cheban tagging along and trying to encourage her.

While totally grossing us out in the process.

“Come on, Kim, you’re dripping,” he says at one point, uttering what may be the grossest words we"ve ever heard anyone utter.

We"ll still watch Keeping Up with the Kardashians online or maybe on television in order to see how this season concludes, but can someone put a muzzle on Cheban please?

No male should ever be allowed to take about a woman"s water breaking in such a manner. Just… no.

Kim kardashian terrified to give birth