Tuesday, February 23, 2016

Lamar Odom: Still Battling Addiction?

By now you’ve no doubt heard about Lamar Odom’s miraculous recovery after nearly losing his life to an overdose back in October.

Just a few months ago, Odom was comatose after suffering 12 strokes in a matter of minutes.

Doctors thought he might never regain consciousness, much less walk again.

These days, however, Odom is up and about and well on his way to a full recovery.

Lamar even attended Kanye West’s fashion show at Madison Square Garden earlier this month, and though he appeared to be walking with a slight limp, onlookers say the former NBA star seemed to be in remarkably good health.

Unfortunately, not all of Lamar’s health concerns are apparent to the casual observer.

The 36-year-old has struggled with addiction and substance abuse throughout his life, and Khloe Kardashian and other members of Odom’s inner circle are reportedly concerned that hard road to recovery will trigger a relapse.

“Lamar is finished with his physical therapy and is doing much better, but his addiction issues are a different story,” an insider tells Hollywood Life.

Lamar has months of grueling physical therapy ahead of him, and he’s still struggling to regain his cognitive and communication abilities.

It’s a slow process, and his loved ones are reportedly concerned that the daily struggle may cause him to fall off the wagon.

Fortunately, those closest to him say that Odom seems fully committed to his rehabilitation:

“His mobility and ability to communicate has vastly improved over the last couple of months. Lamar’s humor and personality is coming back too,” says the source.

“He will return to see his therapists occasionally for more follow-up appointments and progress updates, but he has completed with his initial intense daily sessions.”

Fortunately, Lamar has a couple advantages that most people in his situation do not: the financial means to secure the best medical care, and a supportive network of family and friends.