Wednesday, February 17, 2016

Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 16 Recap: Sickly Secrets

We learned something very unfortunate about Veronica Hastings on Pretty Little Liars Season 6 Episode 16:

She has breast cancer.

Yes, at some point in those five years that we missed, Spencer was aware that the future Senator of Pennsylvania was sick.

However, according to updated records – which the opposition planned to leak, because people really suck sometimes – her mother’s physicians are merely “cautiously optimistic” about her health.

That’s sad enough, but there was also disturbing news regarding the Hastings his week:

Spencer learned that the missing piece to Melissa’s broken suitcase fits the description of the weapon that killed Charlotte.

Melissa is on the way to Pretty Little Liars Season 6 next Tuesday night, so look for things to get especially explosive.

On the romantic front, let’s just go through each ‘ship that sailed this week and see where we stand, shall we?

ALISON and ELLIOT: Ali’s relationship with her sister’s psychologist has always shay and, let’s face it, totally unprofessional.

When it came time to figure out whether they ought to reveal themselves as a couple, Ali kept her desires very basic: “I want you to take me to a movie. I want you to hold my hand in a restaurant,” she told him.

Sweet words. But why do we have a feeling this will end badly?

ARIA, LIAM and EZRA: Aria was all set to ghost wrote more of Ezra’s book, thinking she had this all figured out, only for her ex to return to Rosewood and mess up her life… per usual.

In addition to handing over the next three chapters of his book, Ezra also revealed where he was the evening Charlotte was killed:

He actually bumped into Aria’s mom and dad, but her father asked him to remain quiet until they had an opportunity to tell their daughter that they’re back together.

Might this mean Ezra isn’t totally nuts? Is it only a matter of time before Ezria is a thing again? Do you want it to be?

HANNA and JORDAN… and CALEB! Hanna’s fiance is awesome, but we were treated to a Haleb flashback this week as the two argued in Manhattan about wanting different things in life… and darn it if that wasn’t enough to get us pondering a reunion.

We just can’t quit these two.

SPENCER and CALEB… AND MONA?!? Was there real chemistry between Caleb and Mona? Or are we the ones who are totally nuts?

“If I find out you’re messing with Spencer in any way, shape or form, I will personally take you apart,” Caleb said, to which Mona shot back:

“Who kisses better: Hanna, Spencer or me?”

Totally awesome. Totally crazy and awesome, but whatever.

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