Thursday, February 11, 2016

Raven-Symone Throws Shade at Kendall Jenner on The View

Raven-Symone is not exactly sitting atop the A-list these days, but as someone who"s managed to cling to her spot on Survivor: Roundtable, aka The View, she"s still somewhat relevant.

So for that reason, Raven gets invited to events like Tueday night"s Zoolander 2 premiere.

Raven says she was psyched to attend, but apparently things didn"t go as planned, thanks to the leggiest member of the Kardashian-Jenner clan:

“I understand, like, there’s rise and fall of people’s celebrity. I get it. I definitely respect those who get it,” Raven said, somewhat unconvincingly, on The View today.

“However, I’m doing an interview with someone, and the producer of this show, she goes like this, ‘MOVE! MOVE! GET KENDALL! GET OUT OF THE WAY!’ Excuse me?

"I looked at her and said, ‘I’m sorry, I guess she’s more important than everyone else on the panel.’ That’s fine, but you don’t have to hit me to get somebody else’s interview!

You can say, ‘Excuse me, Kendall Jenner is coming and I need to interview her.’ And I’ll wait, but don’t slap me upside the chest. I got hit twice because this girl came up behind me.”

For starters, can we all take a moment to appreciate how funny it is that Raven is complaining about being shoved out of the way by a model at the Zoolander 2 premiere? Is she certain they weren"t filming a last-minute scene for the movie?

Anyway, we"re not doubting that Kendall"s reps can be rude, and Raven really got hit, that"s flat-out unacceptable.

That said, she"s making it sound like she got flat-out Holly Holm-ed on the red carpet, and we have a hard time believing it was that bad.

For starters, no one else is complaining.

In addition, Raven has a way of completely misreading situations.

Remember when she defended the cop who body-slammed a high school girl in class? We rest our case.

Raven symone throws shade at kendall jenner on the view