Thursday, February 4, 2016

Steven Avery: Was He Framed By a Notorious Serial Killer?!

Ever since Making a Murderer first captivated Netflix viewers back in December, hundreds of theories about the murder of Teresa Halbach and the arrest and conviction of Steven Avery have surfaced online.

Steven Avery

Avery himself has claimed to know who actually murdered Halbach.

His mother has stated that she believes Halbach is still alive, and the whole thing was an elaborate con designed to put her son behind bars.

Now, a former FBI cold case expert is offering his own shocking theory – and he’s compiled some pretty compelling evidence to support it.

In a recent interview with Radar Online, former special agent John Cameron reveals that he believes Avery was framed by a notorious serial killer named Edward Wayne Edwards.

“Steven Avery is completely innocent,” Cameron tells the website. “He was set up by Edwards.”

It may sound more than a little far-fetched, but Cameron insists that he’s done the legwork and that his story at least deserves further investigation:

Cameron says the theory fist occurred to him when he realized that Edwards – who murdered at least five people at random – between 1977 and 2009 – was living less than an hour away from the Avery impound lot where Halbach’s body was found at the time of her murder.

Edwards was sentenced to death in 2011, but died of natural causes before he could be executed.

Several law enforcement agents who worked on the case claim that Edwards frequently hinted that he had killed several women without ever being connected to the crimes.

“He had done exactly the same thing in California in 1955 when he kidnapped and murdered a doctor’s 14-year-old daughter called Stephanie Bryan,” Cameron says.

“He hid her body for three months and then planted the girl’s property in a man named Burton Abbott’s basement and in his garage.

“Abbott was convicted on circumstantial evidence but always protested that he was framed. He was executed at San Quentin minutes before a stay of execution was delivered.”

“When I first started watching Making a Murderer, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing…it’s the same kind of setup,”

Cameron says he believes that Edwards can even be seen lurking at the crime scene in a shot from the Netflix documentary series:

“It looks like Edwards to me,” Cameron says. “He got off on [returning to the scene of the crime].”

Unfortunately, Edwards passed away before he could complete a memoir in which he reportedly planned to confess to all of his previous killings.