Showing posts with label 'Serial'. Show all posts
Showing posts with label 'Serial'. Show all posts

Monday, August 22, 2016

Serial Pooper Uses Children"s Playground As Toilet

Someone thinks that pooping in a playground where children play is hilarious, because it’s happened in Virginia about four or five times in the past couple of months.

According to KOMO News, parents at an Arlington, VA playground have reported spotting human feces.  More than once.

“I have three kids — one is a cancer survivor — and if you run into something like that and put your hands in it, oh my gosh, gross,” mom Andy Delafield said.

The area’s Parks and recreation department has confirmed that someone has been polluting the park on purpose.

“It was inside the little stall over there,” another mom said, pointing to a section of the playground where her two-year-old plays.

“Nobody would want your kids to have to deal with that on a playground.”

What’s worse is that the culprit hides the poop under an item of clothing, so when a parent or kid picks it up, they’re faced with a big steaming pile of nastiness.

“To defecate outside is one thing, but then in a kids’ park where kids can easily fall into it, that really shocks me,” another parent said.

Park officials assume that the person responsible is committing the act after dark.  Every time it happens, park employees have to clean it up and disinfect the area.

The police have gotten involved, since public urination and defecation are misdemeanor offenses.  Not to mention that human feces are a big public health violation.

If someone poops in a pool, for instance, swimmers are required to get out immediately while lifeguards shock the water for 24 hours to rid it of bacteria.

“Who could be sick enough to like do something like that? It’s just absolutely disgusting,” Delafield said.

There you have it. Someone has enough screws loose to poop in an area where children play.  

Serial Pooper Uses Children"s Playground As Toilet

Someone thinks that pooping in a playground where children play is hilarious, because it’s happened in Virginia about four or five times in the past couple of months.

According to KOMO News, parents at an Arlington, VA playground have reported spotting human feces.  More than once.

“I have three kids — one is a cancer survivor — and if you run into something like that and put your hands in it, oh my gosh, gross,” mom Andy Delafield said.

The area’s Parks and recreation department has confirmed that someone has been polluting the park on purpose.

“It was inside the little stall over there,” another mom said, pointing to a section of the playground where her two-year-old plays.

“Nobody would want your kids to have to deal with that on a playground.”

What’s worse is that the culprit hides the poop under an item of clothing, so when a parent or kid picks it up, they’re faced with a big steaming pile of nastiness.

“To defecate outside is one thing, but then in a kids’ park where kids can easily fall into it, that really shocks me,” another parent said.

Park officials assume that the person responsible is committing the act after dark.  Every time it happens, park employees have to clean it up and disinfect the area.

The police have gotten involved, since public urination and defecation are misdemeanor offenses.  Not to mention that human feces are a big public health violation.

If someone poops in a pool, for instance, swimmers are required to get out immediately while lifeguards shock the water for 24 hours to rid it of bacteria.

“Who could be sick enough to like do something like that? It’s just absolutely disgusting,” Delafield said.

There you have it. Someone has enough screws loose to poop in an area where children play.  

Friday, March 11, 2016

Matt Baier: I Am NOT a Serial Fornicator! I NEVER Lied!

If you watch Teen Mom OG, you probably know that Matt Baier, fiance of star Amber Portwood, has recently been accused of fathering up to eight children with as many as six different women.

What’s more, he is said to owe child support to all of his baby mamas.

This was probably a shock to Amber, who originally thought he had only two kids.

But the 44-year-old is now seeking to clear his name in an interview he gave to Us Weekly.

“People made the assumption that I was some serial fornicator that was impregnating everybody and then just disappearing,” he told the magazine.

Uh-huh. That sounds about right so far.

But he claims he never lied to Amber and clarified that he only has five children, all of whom came out of three long-term relationships.

Oh, but he does acknowledge that the woman who claims to be the mother of his alleged sixth child “hasn’t been disproven yet.”

“Hasn’t been disproven”? That sounds like lawyer speak for “I might have a sixth kid, but I haven’t actually taken a paternity test or anything.”

“Amber knows everything,” he insisted. 

Um, but not too long ago she thought he had just two children. So, either he’s taking creative license with the definition of the word “lie” or he’s lying about not lying.

Baier has multiple convictions on record and is a recovering addict, but then again, so is Amber. He insists that they’re both now on the straight-and-narrow and have started a house-flipping business in their home state of Indiana.

“Amber and I are not ashamed of our pasts,” Baier adds. “We are the ultimate team.”

With that last statement, we wholeheartedly agree.

Thursday, February 4, 2016

Steven Avery: Was He Framed By a Notorious Serial Killer?!

Ever since Making a Murderer first captivated Netflix viewers back in December, hundreds of theories about the murder of Teresa Halbach and the arrest and conviction of Steven Avery have surfaced online.

Steven Avery

Avery himself has claimed to know who actually murdered Halbach.

His mother has stated that she believes Halbach is still alive, and the whole thing was an elaborate con designed to put her son behind bars.

Now, a former FBI cold case expert is offering his own shocking theory – and he’s compiled some pretty compelling evidence to support it.

In a recent interview with Radar Online, former special agent John Cameron reveals that he believes Avery was framed by a notorious serial killer named Edward Wayne Edwards.

“Steven Avery is completely innocent,” Cameron tells the website. “He was set up by Edwards.”

It may sound more than a little far-fetched, but Cameron insists that he’s done the legwork and that his story at least deserves further investigation:

Cameron says the theory fist occurred to him when he realized that Edwards – who murdered at least five people at random – between 1977 and 2009 – was living less than an hour away from the Avery impound lot where Halbach’s body was found at the time of her murder.

Edwards was sentenced to death in 2011, but died of natural causes before he could be executed.

Several law enforcement agents who worked on the case claim that Edwards frequently hinted that he had killed several women without ever being connected to the crimes.

“He had done exactly the same thing in California in 1955 when he kidnapped and murdered a doctor’s 14-year-old daughter called Stephanie Bryan,” Cameron says.

“He hid her body for three months and then planted the girl’s property in a man named Burton Abbott’s basement and in his garage.

“Abbott was convicted on circumstantial evidence but always protested that he was framed. He was executed at San Quentin minutes before a stay of execution was delivered.”

“When I first started watching Making a Murderer, I couldn’t believe what I was seeing…it’s the same kind of setup,”

Cameron says he believes that Edwards can even be seen lurking at the crime scene in a shot from the Netflix documentary series:

“It looks like Edwards to me,” Cameron says. “He got off on [returning to the scene of the crime].”

Unfortunately, Edwards passed away before he could complete a memoir in which he reportedly planned to confess to all of his previous killings.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Victor Cruz: Mistress Confirms NFL Star"s Serial Cheating

Yesterday, we reported that Victor Cruz’s fiancee sent a group text to his side-pieces, in which she passive-aggressively offered to “compare notes” on Cruz’s horizontal salsa-dancing skills.

Not surprisingly, both Cruz and his fiancee, Elaina Watley, have declined to comment on the matter publicly, but one of Victor’s (apparently many) mistresses spoke to Us Weekly and confirmed that Cruz has a reputation for penetrating more than just opposing defenses:

The unidentified side-piece – who says that she leaves in Texas, but exchanges flirty texts and explicit pics with Cruz – claims that she asked the Giants wide receiver about Elaina’s text after she saw an article about it online.

Surprisingly, Cruz didn’t make any excuses:

“I sent it to him and asked him what it was about and he said, ‘Exactly what it reads,"” the woman says.

She adds that she was surprised by his openness, as he’s usually in the habit of misleading his mistresses:

“He’d tell me him and his fiancee were broken up and just keeping up appearances. I never believed him.”

The woman says she now believes she dodged a bullet by never hooking up with Cruz:

“We started texting and Snapchatting after he direct-messaged me on Instagram about four months ago. He’d always ask me to send him ‘something sexy,"” she says.

“We never met…we were supposed to meet when he came to play here but because of his injury he didn’t travel with the Giants. I’m glad we never did.”

The news is rather shocking, as Cruz has a reputation for being a devoted family man. (He and Watley have a 3-year-old daughter together.)

We imagine when quarterback Eli Manning found out about the news, he responded with that same confused look that’s always on his face.

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Chloe Goins: Bill Cosby is a Serial RAPIST!

Chloe Goins has just filed a lawsuit against Bill Cosby, having already triggered an active criminal investigation against the embattled celebrity.

It’s easy to forget names, considering there are more than 50 Bill Cosby accusers at this point, but Goins is one of his most recent (alleged) victims.

That could spell trouble for him too, as the statute of limitations is not in play; Cosby could face rape charges after the DA reviews Goins’ claims.

It was a night at the Playboy Mansion in 2008 where Chloe Goins was allegedly was given a date rape drug by the comedian, his supposed M.O.

She says she woke up naked in a room, unaware of how she got there, with Cosby … who was at the end of the bed biting one of her toes.

Goins claims Cosby quickly left when he noticed she was awake.

Her lawsuit against Bill claims 40 other women have been forced to live with similar, awful incidents of abuse “for over the last 40 years.”

“The nature of these activities establishes a history of a serial rapist that has been conducting these horrendous activities against women.”

The criminal rape case is under review by the L.A District Attorney; Chloe is asking for more than $ 75,000 in damages in her lawsuit.

Did she leave off a couple of zeroes?