Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Chloe Goins: Bill Cosby is a Serial RAPIST!

Chloe Goins has just filed a lawsuit against Bill Cosby, having already triggered an active criminal investigation against the embattled celebrity.

It’s easy to forget names, considering there are more than 50 Bill Cosby accusers at this point, but Goins is one of his most recent (alleged) victims.

That could spell trouble for him too, as the statute of limitations is not in play; Cosby could face rape charges after the DA reviews Goins’ claims.

It was a night at the Playboy Mansion in 2008 where Chloe Goins was allegedly was given a date rape drug by the comedian, his supposed M.O.

She says she woke up naked in a room, unaware of how she got there, with Cosby … who was at the end of the bed biting one of her toes.

Goins claims Cosby quickly left when he noticed she was awake.

Her lawsuit against Bill claims 40 other women have been forced to live with similar, awful incidents of abuse “for over the last 40 years.”

“The nature of these activities establishes a history of a serial rapist that has been conducting these horrendous activities against women.”

The criminal rape case is under review by the L.A District Attorney; Chloe is asking for more than $ 75,000 in damages in her lawsuit.

Did she leave off a couple of zeroes?