Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Wendy Williams Said WHAT About Kesha?!?

Someone really has to take a microphone away from Wendy Williams.

Like, as soon as humanly possible.

The talk show host was asked this week about the situation involving Kesha, as that singer broke down in tears last week after a judge denied her request to break her contract with Dr. Luke.

Kesha alleges that the producer abused her for 10 years, often plying her with drugs and alcohol in order to take advantage of her sexually.

Following the legal rejection, countless celebrities showed social media support for Kesha, with Taylor Swift even donating $ 250,000 to her fellow artist.

But Williams sounded a very different tune in the segment we’ve shared above.

“Unfortunately, business is business, and it sounds like it’s fair,” Williams said of the court’s decision “If everybody complained because somebody allegedly sexually abused them … contracts would be broken all the time.”

Sure. True.

In an inarticulate manner, Williams is just saying here that one needs evidence if one is going to win a case in court.

Which is obvious, but not exactly scandalous or inaccurate.

Then Williams said the following, however:

“Kesha’s no spring chicken. I mean she’s, like, 30 years old? …

“So she wasn’t stupid 10 years ago and neither was her mother when the sexual abuse – alleged sexual abuse – started. Why weren’t they rolling camera on it?”

Pardon you, Wendy Williams?

Why didn’t Kesha set up cameras to record Dr. Luke’s alleged raping of her?

We somehow never thought to ask that.

It’s one thing, of course, to simply state that sexual abuse is a serious charge and a court needs sufficient evidence to rule in the favor of an accuser.

But it’s a far different thing to put that accuser on blast, as Williams does here, making it clear you don’t believe her story and turning the tables around to blame her in some way for what you (and only you) view as a past mistake. 

In conclusion, Wendy Williams is such a horrible human being.