Monday, October 24, 2016

Teen Mom Brawl Fallout: Simon Said WHAT???

The cast of Teen Mom OG are in a very dark place right about now. 

All of that came about after a complete and utter brawl at the taping of the Season 6 reunion special. 

Seriously, it was crazy. 

The brawl kicked off when Simon Saran’s comments about Matt Baier being a pedophile were addressed. 

As you all probably would have guessed, Farrah Abraham was all too happy to rise to the occasion to stick the knife in further. 

As is always the case with Farrah, her two cents are NEVER needed, but she gives then anyway. 

That’s sort of what she does to keep her name in the spotlight. 

Her response to the comments was that Matt looks like a pedophile.

That’s a downright ugly statement to make about anyone, but should we have expected anything less from the likes of Farrah. 

I mean, she’s the chick who revels in biting the hand that feeds her. 

When it was all said and done, there was a huge fight that involved the likes of Amber Portwood, Maci Bookout and of course Farrah.

Farrah’s father, Michael was part of the drama and there’s even word that Matt sent him flying into the audience. 

Yes, it sure sounds like Matt was throwing people around. 

Stay classy, Teen Mom OG cast. 

Or don’t. The should would be uninteresting without all of this drama!

On top of all of that, the cast were also apparently pissed that Farrah threw a tantrum during the production, forcing delays. 

In the aftermath of the brawl, Simon made it clear that he was not moving on from all of the drama. 

This was proven when he went on yet another social media rant. 

This time, Amber and Matt were getting trashed. 

Have a look at the tweet below:

Simon Saran trashes Amber and Matt

Maybe he and Farrah are made for each other, after all. 

The two of them seem to have a bet on to see who can be the most controversial out of the two. 

It’s pretty sad, but a date night is probably not trashy enough for them. 

Let’s hope all of the brawl footage makes it into the reunion episode, because it genuinely sounds like it’s going to be a treat. 

What do you think about all of this?

Hit the comments below!
