Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Kris Jenner: I Never Want to See Caitlyn Jenner Again!

It’s been two years since Kris Jenner and Caitlyn Jenner got divorced, and what started out as a fairly amicable split has since deteriorated into the sort of bitter feud that we expect – nay, demand! – from our Kardashian clan breakups!

It seems a bit strange that there should be such animosity between Caitlyn and Kris, as there was no infidelity or screaming matches involved in their separation.

Come to think of it, we’re not sure if we’ve ever even seen Caitlyn raise her voice.

But that’s not to say that there were no allegations of dishonesty after the divorce was settled.

The papers were signed before Caitlyn’s transition, while she was presenting and self-identifying as Bruce.

It was only after her big reveal on the cover of Vanity Fair that Caitlyn began butting heads with Kris.

In interviews and on her reality show, Caitlyn portrayed Kris as a domineering figure who gave her strict rules about when she was allowed to dress like a woman.

Kris maintains that this is nonsense, and that Caitlyn never told her she was transgender, and she was completely blindsided when she saw that now-famous VF cover.

However, Kris reportedly now tells friend that she’s thrilled Caitlyn transitioned – not because she values her ex’s happiness, but because it means she’ll never have to see her former husband Bruce Jenner ever again.

“As time has gone on, there has been more bad blood brewing between Kris and Caitlyn,” a source tells Hollywood Life.

“Even though they hoped to remain best friends after their split, that simply hasn’t been the case.”

It certainly hasn’t.

Even though Kris did a cameo on I Am Cait, sources say it was strictly to keep up appearances, and the exes reportedly have no contact with one another when the cameras aren’t rolling.

“Kris has forgiven Caitlyn on the surface but still holds bitterness and resentment for everything Caitlyn has put Kris through,” says the insider.

“The divorce has been good for them and they are happy they out of each other’s lives.”

The source adds:

“With her leftover resentments, Kris goes out of her way to avoid Caitlyn and she is thrilled she will never ever see Bruce again.”

Of course, now that we know how strongly they dislike each other, we can’t help but think that a reality show where Kris and Caitlyn run a B & B together or some crap would be pure ratings gold.

You know neither one of them would be able to resist.
