Monday, October 17, 2016

Russell Crowe: Azealia Banks Threatened to Stab Me!

Over the weekend, we reported on an unexpected beef between Russell Crowe and Azealia Banks, two people who aren’t exactly known for their level-headed conflict resolution skills.

In the sort of lengthy social media screed for which she’s become known, Banks detailed a shocking confrontation with Crowe that allegedly took place in front of several witnesses.

“I went to a party at Russell Crowe’s suite, at which he called me a n-gger, choked me, threw me out and spat at me,” Banks wrote on Facebook Sunday morning.

“The men in the room allowed it to happen. I feel terrible today.”

Appalling allegations, to be sure.

Today, however, several witnesses have come forward to claim that the incident didn’t happen at all as Banks described, insisting that she was the one who threw a tantrum, while Crowe remained surprisingly calm.

Sources tell TMZ that Crowe invited several friends over to his Beverly Hills hotel room Saturday night to have dinner and listen to music.

One of those guests was Wu Tang Clan impresario the RZA, who brought Banks along as his plus-one.

The trouble began when Banks began openly mocking Crowe’s music selections, but witnesses say the notoriously volatile actor kept his cool.

Reportedly upset when her outburst failed to get a rise out of her host, Banks began dropping racial epithets and referred to Crowe and another male guest as “boring white men.”

“You would love it if I broke my glass, stabbed you guys in the throat, and blood would squirt everywhere like some real Tarantino s–t,” Banks allegedly said at one point.

It’s not surprising that Banks’ version of events is being contested, both because A-listers on Crowe’s level always have someone to get their back, and because Banks has a reputation as a bit of a violent psychopath with a rather shaky relationship with the truth.

In the past year, Banks has threatened to kill her rivals on Twitter, gone on vile racist rants in public forums, and made shocking claims that later turned out to be total BS.

Of course, none of that is to say that she’s lying in this case. 

Banks has been accused of slandering other celebs in the past, but it’s worth remembering that Crowe has a history of violent outbursts.

It may be quite some time before we find out what exactly went down in Crowe’s hotel suite on Saturday night.

In related news, Quentin Tarantino is reportedly thrilled that his name is now synonymous with cartoonish bloodshed.

He just likes to be acknowledged!
