Monday, October 17, 2016

Brad Pitt Bodyguard: I Am the Kids" REAL Father!

Long-time bodyguard for the Brangelina bunch is speaking out – and what he has to say is positively shocking

In an interview with The Sun, the family’s former bodyguard, Mark Billingham, claimed that he was basically the kids’ father. 

In the interview, Billingham said that after 18 months with the family, he basically “fathered [the Brangelina kids].” 

“[I spent so much time with the children, I] fathered them, basically. 

He recounts times such as taking the kids out to play, and to and from playdates. 

Billingham also claimed that the biggest concern of Pitt and Jolie was kidnapping. 

“I was Brad and Angelina’s head of security,” said Billingham, who remarked that he was so close to the family that they nicknamed him “Billy.” 

“[My stint in] the military set me up perfectly for what I did with them.” 

“The biggest concern for them was the kidnapping of the kids; it’s all about money,” he revealed. 

“Angie and Brad [were] very worried about who [went] near their children, [but] it was clear from the start that we had a great chemistry and they trusted me with the kids.” 

“We got very close; I was living them all the time,” Billingham continued. 

“I could take the kids anywhere I wanted to on my own,” he said. “No one else was allowed to do that.  

“Even when I wanted to bring in extra people, [Brad and Angelina] wouldn’t let any of those near the kids.” 

“They could look out for them from a distance, but they couldn’t physically touch them,” he revealed. 

“I took them swimming; I fathered them, basically.” 

He also revealed that the public “loved” Angelina, but “hated” Brad. 

“People love her,” he revealed, “but hate him.” 

“You have to figure out a way of protecting them from all that.” 

“It was challenging, but interesting,” he said. 

Billingham ultimately quit because it was taking time away from raising his own children, he claimed. 

“I never had a private life,” he said. 

“I was exhausted. I lost direction in my own family life.” 

Honestly, it sounds like a planted story to us, and planted by the one and only Angelina Jolie. 

People hating Brad, but loving Angelina?  

Though Brad was the one who left his marriage to Jennifer Aniston to be with Jolie, it’s apparent that he’s paid for his indiscretions. 

But let’s not pretend that Jolie is the be-all, end-all of lovable celebrity women.  

She has a past, too – and it sounds like she’s on spin cycle, attempting to command all of damage control. 

People say that Taylor Swift is the most calculating woman in Hollywood. 

We beg to differ. 

Seems like Billingham’s whole “story” was designed solely to set the precedent that Brad’s a devil and Angie’s an angel

Frankly, we’re not taking the bait. 

Perhaps Billingham should spend more time with his family – in order to understand what a real family dynamic is, and how shaming one parent and praising the other is a thing called “parental alienation.” 
