Monday, October 10, 2016

Presidential Debate, Town Hall Style: Who Won?!?

Well, this sure was interesting, wasn’t it?

There were no shortage of hot button topics for Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton to delve into during their second Presidential debate of 2016, which was held on Sunday night and hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

It was conducted in the style of a town hall, with the candidates surrounded by supposedly undecided voters, each of whom lobbed questions at either Trump or Clinton.

But this wasn’t your typical debate.

These weren’t your typical topics to discuss.

Yes, Trump and Clinton debated such issues as the economy and foreign policy.

But the entire world has been abuzz over the past few days with video footage of Trump talking to Billy Bush back in 2005.

Released by The Washington Post on Friday afternoon, the video featured Trump bragging to Bush (unaware he was being recorded) about how he tried to sleep with Nancy O’Dell and how he simply kisses beautiful women whenever he sees them.

“Just kiss. I don’t even wait,” Trump said of his approach to the opposite sex at times, adding that “when you’re a star, they let you do it.

“You can do anything… Grab them by the pussy. You can do anything.”

Trump later apologized for these remarks.

But, as you can see below, he also built anticipation to Sunday’s debate by saying he would be touching on Bill Clinton’s sexual history with women and his wife’s response to it.

There was also the issue of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches to various financial institutions over the years.

Via hacked emails released Friday by Wikileaks, the world has received a look at excerpts from these speeches (which Clinton gave prior to running for President), one of which featured Clinton’s call for “open trade and open borders” in a speech to a Brazillian bank.

Trump brought up this quote during the debate.

Similar to the first debate, this one was at times entertaining…. nauseating… fascinating… hilarious… and depressing.

But who came out on top? Who helped him or herself the most with voters, considering Election Day is less than a month away?

VOTE below and let your voice be heard:

Did Hillary Clinton or Donald Trump with debate number-two?

And the Winner is?

Donald Trump or Hillary Clinton? Which Presidential candidate came out on top in the town hall debate? View Poll »

You can also leave a comment below and expound on your opinion.

Trump may even mention you by name! We all know he loves to cite online polls in the hours and days after debate is held.
