Saturday, October 22, 2016

Azealia Banks Actually Apologizes to Someone!!!!!

Azealia Banks is officially more mature than Donald Trump.

The controversial singer just issued an actual apology to an actual person she had previously offended.

We’ll give you a few minutes to let this shocking news sink in…

Back in May, Banks went on as vicious of a rant as she’s ever gone on before.

The target of her wrath was former One Direction singer Zayn Malik.

It all started because Malik released his music video for the track “Like I Would.” Banks believed the song too closely resembled her single “Yung Rapunzel.”

And that’s all it took for Banks to GO OFF.

In epic fashion, even for Azealia Banks.

“@zaynmalik dude, I make better music than you. Simmer down with that fake white boy rebellion and that wannabe beiber swag,” she wrote.

And then she got very racist, adding the folllowing insults:

lol u a bitch n*gga for even responding like that. Keep sucking this yung rapunxel d*ck u hairy curry scented bitch. imma start calling you punjab you dirty bitch.

You a dick rider for real for real. Ride this dick until the wheels fall off Punjab.

You were only apart of 1d to draw brown attention. You are and ALWAYS will be a TOKEN to the UK.

@zaynmalik still doesn’t change the fact that your mother is a dirty refugee who won’t be granted asylum. LOL @ZAYNMALIK IS A F*GGOT.

Yes, Banks wrote all of these things. It was bad.

Incredibly, however, after accusing Russell Crowe of assault this week, Banks realized she had to take some responsibility for her own actions.

So she wrote Malik an apology.

“Dear Zayn, There are no words that can fully express how sorry I am. Recent events have taught me the importance of taking accountability for ones actions.

“I want and need to say I am sorry, I was wrong,” Banks began.

After detailing how her outburst this spring was caused by an unrelated tweet she mistook as a personal attack, she acknowledged her mistake.

She continued as follows:

“As a black woman, in America, I sometimes forget that there are words and comments that hurt other communities. At times, I am so consumed by my own struggle, and the struggle of my race, that I forget to consider the hardships other minorities continue to endure.

“Coming from an ethnicity that is largely discriminated against does not warrant a license to use derogatory, abusive terminology nor does it give me the right to make hurtful remarks.”

The artist then said she was to all those who were affected by her words.

“I apologise not only to you, Zayn, but to all those I hurt and offended. I am not cruel, nor am I heartless or vindictive.

“There is a lot of love in my heart and there is good in my soul. What I did was wrong and I am committed to becoming a better person.”

Concluded Banks:

“Throughout my transgressions you remained a gentleman and I applaud you for displaying class and maintaining a level head. The world could learn a lot from you and I hope you can find room in your heart to accept my sincerest apologies.”

The unexpected letter comes mere days after Banks demanded an apology from Crowe due to their alleged altercation last weekend.

She claims that the Oscar-winning actor “called me a n—-r, choked me, threw me out and spat at me.”
