Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Woman"s Shiny Legs Vex Internet, Lead to Mass Hysteria

Remember The Dress?

Remember spending several hours trying to decide whether it was white and gold or blue and black and then spending several more days arguing with friends about the answer?

Sorry. We just brought you back to a very dark place, didn’t we?

Our bad. Let’s move on to your next Internet obsession: this picture of two seemingly VERY shiny legs!

The image was posted to Instagram in September by someone named Hunter Culverhouse, but then re-posted on Twitter this week…

… and madness has ensued ever since.

How did this woman get her legs to shine in such a manner?!?

What substance is to blame for this level of glossiness?!?

Are you ready for the answer? Are you ready to feel sort of stupid? And yet not alone because an endless array of Internet users have made the same mistake for days on end?

Okay, here we go:

These legs are not shiny. There are simply streaks of white paint on them.

And the thing is, once you come to this realization, you won’t believe you ever thought the legs were shiny. It’s weird how the mind can work, isn’t it?

Now ALL you can see is white paint, right? 

The World Wide Web has gone from confused to flabbergasted.

Wow! LMAO!

Was this some sort of giant hoax that Culverhouse planned?

Some way for her to make a statement about the mind and the eyes and one’s impressions and to make herself go viral for a litte bit?

Not exaclt.

“I was finishing off some art homework and had some white paint left on my brush and just decided to draw random lines,” she tells Buzzfeed.

“I had no intentions of making it look shiny.”

Oh. Okay then.

So… back to that dress: it’s not really black and blue, is it?!?

And speaking of seemingly shiny fluids on random people
