Sunday, October 16, 2016

Azealia Banks: Russell Crowe Attacked Me!

So hey, are you completely disgusted and disappointed and disenchanted with the world?

If you are, then congrats on your keen understand of how much everything sucks.

And if you’re not, well, then prepare to say goodbye to the last little bit of hope you’ve been clinging to, because it’s about to run away screaming.

OK, Azealia Banks, right?

She’s a rapper, but she’s better known for being absolutely terrible.

Earlier this year, she called Zayn Malick, the former One Direction member who also happens to be from a Pakistani family, a “hairy, curry-scented bitch” and a “f-ggot.”

She’s gone after Iggy Azalea time and time again, even going so far as to say “let me just kill this bitch.”

So those are some really horrific racist and homophobic remarks paired with a death threat — and that’s just the tip of the iceberg.

It’s really unfortunate that Azealia’s chosen to build her career on being awful, and that’s for many reasons.

And right now, the biggest one is that it means many people won’t believe her harrowing new story.

In a Facebook post that she made earlier today and promptly deleted, Azealia claims that Russell Crowe attacked her.

And the details are just horrific.

“To recap my night,” she wrote, “I went to a party at Russell Crowe’s suite, at which he called me a n-gger, choked me, threw me out and spat at me.”

“Last night was one of the hardest nights of sleep I’ve had in a long time.”

“The men in the room allowed it to happen. I feel terrible today.”

In another heartbreaking Facebook post, she wrote “And just weak as f-ck man. I want to f-cking die.”

“Just feel so low and mishandled and alone and f-cking depressed right now,” she added. “I wish I had someone to beat him up for me.”

As of now, Russell hasn’t addressed Azealia’s claims, and it’s hard to imagine that he will.

We don’t know what exactly happened, obviously, but it’s worth noting that while Azealia has a history of being seriously offensive, she doesn’t have a history of lying.

Especially not about something so serious.

Whatever went down at that party, we hope Azealia feels better soon. Regardless of the awful things she’s said in the past, no one deserves to feel so low.
