Monday, October 17, 2016

Rob & Chyna Season 1 Episode 6 Recap: Paternity For All Eternity

Would Rob take measures to reduce the stress in his life, and listen to his family? Rob & Chyna Season 1 Episode 6 set out to answer that.

Meanwhile on the E! spinoff, Chyna decided to undergo a paternity test for her unborn child to find out whether Rob is really the father.

Perhaps it could be Pilot Jones?

If you watch Rob & Chyna online, or no anything about these two lunatics, it can’t come as a surprise that there’s major drama. Always.

“I don’t know if I wanna do this. … This pregnancy, I thought it would, like, be different. He’s gonna have to change,” Chyna lamented.

“I feel like, at this rate, Rob ain’t changin’.”

Kim Kardashian gave her the following advice: If my boyfriend stopped talking to me for five days when I was pregnant, I would be pissed.”

Advice in a loose sense of the word.

Fortunately, Kim got Rob and Chyna together and told her brother to “man up” or “be a deadbeat dad and the biggest loser on the planet.”

Rob’s Life Coach can be pretty blunt.

Blac then had the idea to take a paternity test, even though she said she didn’t doubt Rob: “I know with my vagina that this is his baby.”

So … were there other guys or no?

In any case, Kim and Chyna’s effort to steal Rob’s DNA from a toothbrush failed when they dropped it in front of him and were outed.

Yet, Rob wasn’t upset about it.

Kris Jenner’s only son was remarkably chill about it, even if it implied the possibility that Blac Chyna got pregnant by someone else.

Contrived storylines make it easier to remain chill, we suppose. Later, he was equally relaxed when Scott urged him to seek a therapist.

Rob later told Chyna about that decision.

“Seeing somebody, like, to talk to or whatever … I mean, it’s not gonna hurt to try it out. I personally don’t really agree with the whole thing.”

“But,” he added, “I’m more than willing to try it out and to do that if it’s gonna benefit you and I. I just talked to Scott about it.”

Lord Disick: Mental Health Expert.

In therapy with Erica Hershey Jaffe, he opened up about his ongoing communication problems with Chyna, of which there are many.

Her take at one point, when he described how he got into an epic fight with his fiance that resulted in the blocking of his entire family?

“Well, that sounds like a mess.”

Indeed. Rob said, “We’re not always gonna be here for who knows how much longer. … We should have a little family dinner here.”

Before we got to see said dinner with Kris and company, we got a glimpse of Chyna reading Rob the paternity results on her iPhone …

To the astonishment of everybody, she said:

“Robert Kardashian, you are the father.” 

Phew. We can now go back to our lives and forget we ever heard the name Pilot Jones. Although that dude had a good run for a week.
