Wednesday, October 12, 2016

Ryan Edwards: Drug Use to Blame for Bad Behavior?

It’s been a real tough time to be Ryan Edwards lately.

Well, to be fair, it’s never seemed like a great adventure to be Ryan Edwards: the Teen Mom OG star has been pretty obnoxious for as long as he’s been on television.

Remember back in the 16 and Pregnant days when Maci gave birth to Bentley and Ryan was distant and immature and weird?

Yeah, not much has changed. And if it has, it’s only changed for the worse.

Just a couple of months ago, Ryan got himself in the news because he was bragging about killing cats.

No, really, that’s a thing this terrible human being did. He used a “dead cats” hashtag and everything.

Ryan said he was upset because feral cats had been peeing around his house and scratching his boat — heaven forbid animals have bodily functions and natural instincts, right? — but after he found out he was being investigated for felony animal cruelty, he changed his tune.

According to a source, he claimed that he made everything up about the cat murders, and he did it all “to build hype.” It seems like the investigation isn’t over yet, so we guess only time will tell if Ryan is awful for killing animals or awful for pretending that he did for attention.

All this is to say that Ryan is the worst. His title of “The Worst” is so well-deserved that in this week’s episode of Teen Mom OG, his own father disowned him.

In an interview with a producer, Ryan’s dad, Larry, explained that he kicked Ryan out of the house, and that it was “a long time coming.”

“I’m over his lies. I’m over his laziness, selfishness. I’m done with it,” Larry said. “I’m done with him forever. I don’t want him anywhere around me ever.”

“And I never wanna be around him ever ‘cause I’m tired of that bloodsucking leech. I’m over it.”

It seemed like a really harsh way for a father to talk about his son. But based on some other clips from the episode, Larry might just have another reason for kicking Ryan out.

See, a lot of people seem to think that Ryan may have developed a little drug problem thanks, in large part, to his appearance in the new episode:

“Ryan is starting to look like he’s on something?” one Teen Mom fan observed on Twitter. “Like he’s tweaking on meth? I hope not, but his eyes were bugging out!”

“Is Ryan on drugs?” another fan wondered. “His eyes never look focused. It makes me nervous. I can barely watch when he’s on TV.”

Other watchers noted that “Bentley doesn’t even seem interested in being at Ryan’s house,” and the real kicker?

It was Father’s Day when Ryan was acting like this much of a mess.

So yes, if, as many people are theorizing, Larry actually kicked Ryan out because of his alleged drug use, that would be a little more understandable, right? Tough love is real, and sometimes it’s necessary.

Whatever’s going on with Ryan, let’s just hope he’s able to get it together. Drugs or no drugs, he seems to be in a really horrible place.
