Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Kylie Jenner: I Feel Like a Prostitute!

It’s been just over a week since Kim Kardashian was robbed at gunpoint in Paris, and the reality star has been entirely absent on social media in the days following the shocking incident.

Going a week without posting any selfies on the ‘Gram may not sound like a big deal, but Kim has nearly 85 million followers, and her online presence is one of the cornerstones of her media empire.

Somewhat amazingly, Kim’s famous family has followed suit, with most of her sisters keeping lower profiles on social media recently for the sake of their family’s safety.

But it should come as no surprise that Kylie Jenner was having none of that idea.

Kylie took a single day off out of respect to Kim’s situation, but since then, she’s been snapping and gramming like it’s going out of style.

Just 48 hours after her sister’s traumatic experience , Kylie was all “look at my butt” with a throwback from her August vacation in Turks & Caicos.

Insiders say Kylie refuses to stop flaunting her jewelry (and her curves) on social media despite pleas from Kris Jenner and other concerned parties.

We suppose we can see the necessity behind her decision.

After all, Kylie has a new line of Halloween-themed lip kits (yes, really) to promote, and her ability to foster lifestyle envy amongst her tens of millions of followers is a huge part of her popularity.

But Kylie hasn’t just been plugging her products this past week.

Rather, she seems to be engaging with fans more than ever, even responding to criticism of her famously racy selfies.

When some random on Twitter joked that Kylie looks “like a 14 year old prostitute” last night, Kylie clapped back in epic fashion:

“Idk I feel like I look like a 19 year old prostitute,” she tweeted.

Since she tends to only show us the serious self-promotional side on TV, it’s easy to forget that Kylie is known in her inner circle for her sense of humor.

Clearly, unlike the rest of her family, she’s even capable of self-deprecation.

We’d love to see more of Kylizzle’s lighthearted side, but the girl weirdly hates smiling.

We imagine she just doesn’t like how it makes her lips look.
