Sunday, October 23, 2016

Derick Dillard Responds to Jill Duggar Pregnancy Rumors

As you may have heard, there are many, many people who believe that Jill Duggar and Derick Dillard are expecting their second child right now.

Right at this very second, Jill could be pregnant with Dillard Baby #2. It’s very possible, and even likely, for a number of reasons.

One, their first and only child, precious little Israel, is 18 months old now. That’s 18 entire months that there’s been a vacancy in a young, married Duggar woman’s woman.

It’s almost inconceivable.

Two, in nearly every recent photo of Jill, she’s been hiding her stomach in some way. It’s kind of a weird move if she’s doing it for no reason.

Well, there’s always the possibility that she’s doing it solely for attention, that she knows some weird belly covering will get people talking, but let’s give her the benefit of the doubt here.

Three, Jessa Duggar is pregnant right now, and the last time she was pregnant, both Jill and Anna Duggar were pregnant at the same time.

Wouldn’t it be fun to do all that over again?

And four — and this is probably the biggest reason people think she’s pregnant — Derick himself has said that they’re planning their second child.

Earlier this month, TLC released a clip of the couple, and Derick revealed that while “adoption is something Jill and I have talked about in the past,” he thinks “our next child will come about biologically.”

So as you can see, there’s a lot of evidence that Jill is following in her mother’s steps of turning her uterus into a clown car.

But, according to a recent statement from Derick, it’s simply not true.

On Friday, one of Derick’s Twitter followers asked him if Jill is pregnant again.

His response?

“Not yet.”

Interesting, and also gross.

It’s sort of an odd way to answer that question, isn’t it? It implies that he and Jill are trying for another pregnancy, which brings to mind imagery that we’d rather have never had to experience.

It also brings up the Zika issue again.

Jill and Derick have spent several months doing missionary work in El Salvador, and they plan on going back soon.

That means that if they are trying to get pregnant, they’d be putting the health of their future child at risk.

Oh, these silly Duggars …
