Friday, November 11, 2016

Duggar Family: Did They Vote For Donald Trump?

In the days since Donald Trump was elected president, most celebrities have chosen to speak out on the matter have decried what they believe to be the beginning of a dark chapter in American history.

However, there have been some exceptions.

Scott Baio took a break from endlessly pitching Charles in Chargier to Netflix in order to sing Trump’s praises and several other conservative celebs have made a case for the Donald.

Interestingly, however, the usually-outspoken Duggar family has mostly kept mum throughout Trump’s campaign.

Part of the reason may be that they were once staunch supporters of former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee, one of 17 GOP candidates who was steamrolled by Trump during the Republican primaries.

Another reason might be that the Duggars may have been hesitant to alienate their evangelical fan base by supporting a man who’s as commonly associated with the phrase “grab ‘em by the pussy” as he is with his slogan, “Make America great again.”

Their fears are probably unfounded, as if the Josh Duggar sex scandals couldn’t scare off the Duggar faithful, we doubt anything can.

That said, it’s understandable that the Duggars would choose to protect their valuable brand rather than roll the dice by endorsing a controversial presidential candidate – especially since there’s reason to believe the family in terms of its stance on Trump.

In recent weeks, Jessa Duggar’s husband, Ben Seewald, has expressed support for the Black Lives Matter movement, leading many to believe he’s more liberal than the family he married into and would likely not be supporting Trump.

Shortly thereafter, Jill Duggar’s husband, Derick Dillard, revealed that he will be voting for Trump.

Through it all, the Duggars themselves remained silent.

In fact, the only member of the family to say anything remotely political in the days leading up to the election was Jill Duggar, who sounded off on the importance of voting without lending her support to either candidate.’

Due to her husband’s far-right-wing affiliation, it was widely assumed that Jill would be voting for Trump.

However, her pre-election Instagram post created doubt as to where Jill falls on the political spectrum:

Jill Duggar MLK Meme

Sure, that meme could be interpreted a lot of different ways, but we imagine Jill is aware that Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is commonly liberal, progressive ideologies.

It’s hard to imagine she didn’t know how that post would be interpreted in the run-up to Election Day.

Of course, given the patriarchal system the Duggars adhere to, it’s equally hard to imagine that she would defy her husband by not voting for Trump.

The Duggars may have made their millions by living their lives in front of television cameras…

…but it seems that on the issue of the 2016 election, they’re planning to continue guarding their privacy.
