Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kylie Jenner to Kris Jenner: You"re FIRED, Mom!

Say what you will about Kylie Jenner, but that girl is a go-getter.

If there’s anything in this whole wide world she wants, she gets it.

She wanted bigger lips, she got them.

She wanted a mansion, she bought herself a few.

She wanted to date a terrible rapper with multiple financial issues who’s also eight years older than her own 19-year-old self?

Well, we don’t get it, but Tyga doesn’t seem like he’s going anywhere anytime soon.

And now, it seems like there’s one more thing that Kylie wants.

She wants Kris Jenner out of her life.

Her professional life, that is.

An insider spoke with OK! magazine and claimed that, in the interest of her extremely successful makeup line, Kylie’s decided to fire Kris as her manager.

“She was grateful to her mother for pointing her in the right direction,” the source said, “but she decided to leave her behind so that she could do this on her own.”

So sad, right?

The source added that “She had to fire her because she was not about to let Kris get a cut of her hard work — especially since Kris has been so focused on her other daughters now.”

Kylie reportedly wants to be “a billionaire by 25,” so she can’t be giving Kris that ten percent, you know?

It’s a little complicated, because Kylie is obviously on track to become the family’s next big star.

It seems like, especially after the robbery, Kim Kardashian is content to fade just a little bit, or at least to relinquish a little bit of fame to her siblings.

Kourtney has always been kind of indifferent towards the attention her family gets, and Kendall is focused on her modeling career.

Rob … well, Rob is in a class all his own, and while Khloe seems pretty desperate to get on the same level as Kim, Kylie, with her bikini selfies, her giant lips, and her willingness to go nude, just has that special something that Kim had, you know?

Also, she’s definitely the Kardashian-Jenner Most Likely to Release A Sex Tape, so that’s important.

But even though Kylie’s huge and is all set to get even huger, who’s to say that she’ll be even half as successful as she is now without Kris’ superior momager skills to help her out?

After all, Kris has managed all her children’s careers since the beginning.

If it wasn’t for Kris, Kim would just be that girl who used to hang out with Paris Hilton and starred in that hilarious sex tape with Brandy’s brother.

Kylie wouldn’t even be on anyone’s radar, not even a little bit.

So before she goes around, firing family members and getting too big for her britches (or her bikini bottoms, as it were), maybe she should consider that.
