Wednesday, November 16, 2016

Kendall Jenner on Quitting Instagram: I Needed a BREAK!

If you use social media at all, you"ve probably been felt at one time or another like you"re overdoing it.

Fortunately, you"re probably in a position where you can take the app off your phone or even just delete your account entirely, and it won"t really be that big of a deal Kendall Jenner doesn"t have that option.

When Kendall deleted her Instagram account over the weekend, however, it literally made freakin" CNN less than a week after the most bonkers presidential election in US history.

Today Kendall sat down with Ellen Degeneres to explain why she made the most controversial decision since the country decided to give the nuke codes to Irradiated Richie Rich.

"I honestly didn"t think anyone would care," Kendall said, sounding less than entirely convinced by her own argument.

"I don"t know. I just wanted to detox. I just wanted a break."

Kendall adds that she felt her love for the "Gram was beginning to border on addiction:

"I would wake up in the morning and I would look at it first thing. I would go to bed and it was the last thing that I would look at," she said.

"I felt a little too dependent on it, so I kinda wanted to take a minute. It"s a detox. I"ll be back."

Given that she"s from a family in which "Instagram obsession" is the norm, it was a bold move on Kendall"s part.

But we don"t want to praise her too much, she"ll probably be back on by this afternoon.

Check out her interview with Ellen in he video below:

Kendall jenner on quitting instagra i needed a break