Sunday, November 13, 2016

Khloe Kardashian Under Fire for Offensive Veteran"s Day Photo

You’ll never believe this, but Khloe Kardashian posted a photo on social media, it was dumb and vain and pointless, and people got offended.

Oh, what’s that? You have no problem at all believing it?

Eh, well.

That’s the photo in question. Take a good, hard look. See anything inappropriate yet?

OK, see, Khloe posted the photo late on Friday, as a sort of tribute to Veteran’s Day.

“Never too late for a late post,” she wrote. “Jacked his jacket.”

So Khloe put on a bedazzled Army shirt, Tristan Thompson’s camouflage jacket, and decided it was a fitting way to publicly remember Veteran’s Day.

Oh, Khloe

Not surprisingly, many people felt the need to express their outrage over Khloe’s disrespectfulness.

Wow haha take that pt shirt off you’re not in the armed forces! Smh

Put some pants on. You look ridiculous. No class whatsoever.

Instead of wearing the army shirt just to wear why don’t you join or show some appreciation the fact that women and men have served this country just so you could wear their shirts and say “it’s his jacket” how about “happy Veteran’s Day”

What a disgrace. Defacing government property. Take that shirt off, or join the army. HA! Who am I kidding, just take the shirt off.

You didn’t earn that sh-t. You shouldn’t wear it.

Pt shirts are meant to be worn by those who have earned it. It’s not a fashion statement.

Can you and your family stop disrespecting the army by wearing our pt shirt. We’d appreciate it a lot…. -sincerely every army soldier in America.

Some people may see this as cute, I see it as offensive. That shirt if part of a uniform for those who risk their lives.

So disrespectful to those who fought the fight. Wtf is wrong with you? Trash at its finest.

Khloe caught wind of all the hate — it must not have been that hard, all the comments on the photo were from people who were offended or people who thought she Photoshopped her thigh.

(Or they’re criticizing her for flaunting her relationship with Tristan Thompson when she “stole” him away from Jordy Craig, the woman who’s pregnant with his baby, but that’s neither here nor there.)

She posted this goofy photo:

And added the caption “Good American. Y’all are funny. Always remember, Happy hoes ain’t hatin and hatin hoes ain’t happy!”

So that’s cute. Instead of giving an intelligent, thoughtful response to people who were offended over something you did, just call them a bunch of “hatin hoes.”

That’ll do the trick.
